How to use Rose-Index

2024/01/24 · 720p
This video features the Rose-Index made by Timm Rosenthal of Rosenthal Products. He has asked Randy to use them and give an honest critic of the Rose-Index. Randy could tell by watching a video Timm has on his site that they would be very handy. After talking with Timm Randy agreed to feature the Rose-Index in a video review. Please, if you are a tool-die maker, machinist, reach out to Timm and order the Rose-Index. You won’t regret it. “The Rose-Index is a patented product, and the “Rose-Index” name is trademarked.” Here is his website: Randy really enjoyed using this for machining the brake in the large barrel, as shown in the video. He knows he will get much use out of both sizes of the Rose-Index. Very well thought out, very well machined, produced and marketed. Thanks for watching. Timm will comment more as we agreed and I will be pinning his comments at the top. Follow us on Rumble: