Окупанти не можуть здолати нашу армію, а тому знищують кожне місто й село.

16.12.2022 • 1080p
Only today, Russia shelled Kherson more than 16 times! Only in 1 day! It is so every day. The Kharkiv region was again shelled. Brutal Russian attacks continue in Donbas. The occupiers throw everything - whatever they have - into the offensive. They can’t defeat our army, so they physically destroy every town and village - so that there are no buildings or even walls that can be used for any kind of defense. The only way to stop this is to push Russian terrorists out of Ukrainian land step by step. To continue pressure on Russia. To find new ways to hold Russian terrorists, Russian oligarchs who helps the terrorist state and all Russian officials and propagandists to account for everything they do against Ukraine and freedom. Thank you to everyone who fights and works for Ukraine! Thank you to everyone who holds the front in Donbas, in the south, who holds the border, who protects our sky and our people. Eternal memory to all those who gave their lives for freedom! Glory to Ukraine!