Підрозділ TERRA: Знищили штаб ворога. російські танки тікають!

18.12.2022 • 1080p
!!!FUNDRAISING FOR MAVIC 3T (TРERMAL)!!! !!!GOAL: 22.500 USD!!! MonoBank for Mavic 3T (Thermal) : https://send.monobank.ua/jar/7pdmfnmtas Or: 5375411203781302 PrivatBank: 4149 6090 0138 4124 (receiver: Sokol Viktoriia) PrivatBank IBAN: UA803052990000026205895028642 PayPal: http://paypal.me/viktoriiaskl USDT (TRC20): TQTK6jUB7RjzGrFZpdijsd2Whwu1P4mWxw Bitcoin (Bitcoin): 1CgXG8nYBCbop3W8abPk9k9f6c8ibeTNF2 Ethereum (ERC20): 0xeb606fa8839eae02ca309949cf1e77227cbb9023 !!!Patreon NEW!!!: https://www.patreon.com/TERRAOps/membership What is Mavic 3T (Thermal)? This is a new drone from DJI based on the already well-proven Mavic 3. Small, quiet, with a good flight range and the ability to fly unnoticed right over enemy positions. Why do we need Mavic 3T (Thermal)? To detect enemy infantry and vehicles at night on the contact line, their maneuvers and movements. It is small and quiet, which makes it possible to fly at an altitude of 100m without being noticed. Mavic 3T (Thermal) is an ideal drone for night work on infantry in shelters on the contact line and for work in buildings. Why do we need 3 pcs? We work in 2 groups and 1 piece in reserve, in case of loss. These drones will fly very close to the enemy infantry, and this always increases the risk of loss. We try to duplicate all critical nodes in the work. This makes it possible to complete the work even in case of loss of the drone. Now the TERRA unit is fighting near Bakhmut. And before coming here, they managed to spend 10 days in the Zaporizhzhya direction. For 10 days they did not allow the enemy tanks to work, fought a counter-battery battle, and at the end of the trip they calculated the active logistics and hit the enemy headquarters. The time was spent with benefit and in good company. Unfortunately, we had some losses. This is war, and in war, successes also have their price. More on the website - https://terraops.info/ua/ To support - https://terraops.info/ua/donate/ Any questions can be addressed to info.terraops@gmail.com. #ukraine_war #drone #terra_ops