How does modern Western weaponry affect the war in Ukraine and redefines modern warfare? | UNITED24

13.08.2022 • 1080p
Western weapons in the hands of Ukrainians don't just strike the occupant, but can save civilians from the horrors others have gone through in the areas where the help didn't come on time… JAVELIN, NLAW, HIMARS, DRONES, ANTI-AIRCRAFT DEFENSES are changing the war in Ukraine and played a major role in stopping Russia's advance! In this video: 00:00 There has not been a war like this in Europe since World War II… 04:30 The Russians changed their tactics. 05:30 HIMARS have changed the situation on the frontline more than anything else. 07:15 Ukraine also needs anti-aircraft defenses. Episode 1–Top secret Ukrainian military reveal the whole truth about DRONES Episode 2–Why can’t russian artillery prevail against Ukrainian forces?