Gauntlets, helmets, studded leather armour, and gold.

14.11.2022 • 1080p
In Stockholm's main history museum was an exhibition about the Battle of Visby (or Gotland) in 1361. The battle is remarkable because many of those who died in it were thrown into one of five mass graves with all their kit on, and these were dug up in 1928-30. The exhibition had a few good modern reconstructions of gauntlets and helmets, and in this video I present them. Doing pieces to camera in the museum itself was possible, but the sound would have been poor, so I use voice-over instead. I apologise to the makers of the gauntlets and helmets for the tone of voice I use in the voice-over, which may seem critical of them. I am a critic of late medieval helmet design, but that's the medieval people's fault, not the reconstructors'. I also introduce the ghastliness that is cabochon jewel setting.