Битва за Циклопа. 1 СЕРІЯ. Канава смерті. Бат К2. Соледар-Сіверськ

20.04.2023 • 1080p
At the same time as the events on the "T-shaped position" in the neighboring part of the front, no less complex battles were taking place. "Cyclops" is one of the most remote and difficult positions of the 2nd K-2 battalion (54 SMBr). And we start a new series of videos about the battles for her. Battle for Cyclops. 1 SERIES. Ditch of death The enemy tried to transfer his reinforcements to this position, which had to be destroyed in order to prevent the enemy from gaining a foothold. But due to the difficult topography of the area, the barrel artillery of the battalion could not inflict effective fire damage. That is why our mortars and automatic grenade launcher operators joined in, and they managed to trap the enemy in a narrow ditch on the approaches to "Cyclops". What happened next - see in the video. Meanwhile, our assault group is already preparing for the attack, which we will tell you about in the next series.