TERRA unit: offensive of the Armed Forces. Kherson direction. The explosion of the invaders' cannon

03.10.2022 • 1080p
Another day of fighting the invaders. The Terra unit accompanies the offensive in the Kherson direction. On this day, our task was to handle сounter-battery firefight. We had to reveal and suppress the enemy's artillery positions, expose the movement of enemy MLRS and prevent it from comfy work on our infantry and equipment. What ended the maneuvers of our forces on this day we will not tell, since currently it is a military secret. But let us note that our unit has coped with the tasks. Thanks to our drones, we have adjusted the shelling on the enemy's firing positions. The enemy cannon Msta-B was founded and destroyed along with ammunition. The information about the maneuvers and fire of enemy artillery was transmitted to the command post.