Government and Politics in Ancient Rome: The Republic DOCUMENTARY

07.10.2022 • 1440p
Ancient Rome, the birthplace of western civilization. Before Rome became an empire it was ruled as a republic. The republic was the world of some of the most famous Romans; commanders of legions such as Julius Caesar and Mark Antony but also statesman like Cicero and Cato. The history of ancient Rome starts with the republic. What made the republic, how was it governed and who held the power? Not just the well-known senate; find out in this video! Timestamps: 00:00 channel intro 00:10 introduction 1:40 cursus honorum 3:06 overview of public offices 6:52 general workings of the government 7:55 the senate 9:33 the process of lawmaking 10:19 workings and dynamics within the senate 12:16 clients and patrons 14:18 the power of the people 14:54 the centuriate assembly 15:38 the tribal assembly 17:40 winning over the people 19:04 conclusion