NATO Secretary General with the President of Ukraine 🇺🇦 Volodymyr Zelenskyy, 20 APR 2023

2023/04/20 • 1080p
Joint press point with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in Kyiv, Ukraine, 20 April 2023. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited Ukraine for talks with President Zelenskyy and his government. Mr Stoltenberg underlined NATO’s enduring support for Ukraine as it continues to defend itself against Russia’s brutal war of aggression. “NATO stands with you today, tomorrow, and for as long as it takes,” said Mr Stoltenberg. The Secretary General underlined that NATO Allies have delivered more than 150 billion euros of support to Ukraine since Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022, and that Allies have provided training for tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers over the years. "Allies are now delivering more jets, tanks, and armoured vehicles, and NATO's Ukraine fund is providing urgent support... All of this is making a real difference on the battlefield today," he said. This was Mr Stoltenberg’s fourth trip to Ukraine as NATO Secretary General. 🗣 | NATO Secretary General: President Zelenskyy, Dear Volodymyr, Thank you for hosting me today. It is really a great honour to be back in Kyiv and to meet with you. Your personal leadership, the courage of your armed forces, and the resilience of the Ukrainian people have inspired us all. More than a year on from the invasion, Russia’s war of aggression continues to cause untold human suffering. With brutal attacks on homes and hospitals, playgrounds and power stations. This morning I visited Bucha and I was deeply moved by what I saw there. Russian atrocities continue against the Ukrainian people today. And those responsible must be held to account. I also laid a wreath at The Wall of Remembrance of the Fallen for Ukraine. I pay tribute to all those who have lost their lives, or suffered wounds, seen or unseen, in defence of their homeland. They will not be forgotten. Mister President, I am here today with a simple message: NATO stands with Ukraine. We stood by you after Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. We stand by you today, in your heroic fight against the Russian invaders and in defence of your country. And we will stand by you tomorrow, as you rebuild, and work toward a brighter future for the Ukrainian people. Over the years, NATO Allies have provided training for tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers. And since last February, NATO Allies have delivered more than 150 billion euros of support, including 65 billion euros of military aid. This has enabled your troops to force Russia out of Kyiv, Kherson and Kharkiv. Allies are now delivering more jets, tanks, and armoured vehicles. And NATO's Ukraine fund is providing urgent support, including medical supplies, mobile satellite systems, and pontoon bridges. All of this is making a real difference on the battlefield every day. We do not know when this war will end. But we know that Russian aggression is a toxic pattern that must be stopped. We agreed on the importance of a just and sustainable peace. And I strongly welcome President Zelenskyy’s peace plan. We must continue strengthening Ukraine’s armed forces. And we must ensure that robust, powerful arrangements are in place for Ukraine’s security. Let me be clear: Ukraine’s rightful place is in the Euro-Atlantic family. Ukraine’s rightful place is in NATO. And over time, our support will help you make this possible. Today, the President and I discussed a multi-year support initiative. This will help you to transition from Soviet-era equipment and doctrines to NATO standards. And ensure full interoperability with the Alliance. It is a testament to NATO’s long-term commitment to Ukraine. NATO stands with you today, tomorrow and for as long as it takes. So, President Zelenskyy, thank you again for hosting me here today. I look forward to welcome you to the NATO Summit in Vilnius in July.