"ОПЪЛЧЕНЦИТЕ НА ШИПКА" | Епопея на забравените | Иван Вазов | ПРОЛОГ | 5К

15.07.2023 • 2160p
What if we still carry shame on our forehead, Marks of the whip, signs of bondage abhorrent; What if remembrance of infamous days Hangs like a cloud over all we survey; What if in history no place we’re allotted, What if our name be a tragic one; what if Ancient Belasitsa, recent Batak Over our past throw their deep shadows black; What if men mockingly laugh in our faces, Pointing to newly lost fetters, to traces Still on our necks of the ages-long yoke; What if this freedom was given our folk? What of it? We know a recent true story, A shining new symbol, a symbol of glory, That proudly within every bosom pulsates And noble strong feelings within us awakes; There on a mountain that glows in the distance, Heaven’s blue vault on its broad shoulder lifting, Rises a famous wild peak with bleak rocks Strewn with white bones and with blood on its moss, A monument huge to a deed that’s immortal, Because a deep memory lives in the Balkans, Because there’s a name that shall live for all time, As bright as a legend in history it shines, A new name, its roots to antiquity tracing, As great as Thermopylae, all fame embracing, A name to wipe shame away, with its plain truth Smashing to smithereens calumny’s tooth. O Shipka! Director | Plamen Miryanov Cinematography | Marin Marinov