Crimean Tatar Cuisine: Kobete

2024/01/13 · 1080p
Every hostess has her own recipe for this traditional Crimean Tatar meat pie. But the main condition for making kobete, which came to us from distant ancestors - homemade puff pastry with melted butter. Someone will say: "Well, the dough is a matter of women's hands". But the host of the program "Kyrymtatar Emekleri" Rustem Dervish disagrees. Look how he deftly and cheerfully copes with this labor-intensive process. The kobete prepared by the hands of the famous master coppersmith is just begging to be put on the festive table! © @CrimeanTatars "Crimean Çayırs" project is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within the Transition Promotion Program.