ПРЕГЛЕДЪ 23 (1941)

29.12.2020 • 720p
I. Signing of a cultural agreement between Bulgaria and Croatia, by prime minister Dobri Bozhilov and a Croatian minister. II. Sanitary train of the Bulgarian Red Cross travels to the Eastern front. The chairman of the Bulgarian Red Cross hands over the train to German command. III. Official holiday of the Sofia University - Day of st. Clement of Ohrid. A celebration in the National theatre. King Boris III and queen Giovanna exit the theatre, followed by prince Kiril. IV. Vitosha mountain. Tourists walk up a snow-covered track to "Kumata" cabin. A prayer in the cabin. V. Opening ceremony for the railway line between Kulata and Demir Hisar. Water sanctification. Minister Dimitar Vasilev cuts the ribbon.