Песенъ за Мара Бунева / A song dedicated to Mara Buneva

15.12.2014 • 480p
Вардарот схнел,Скопие плакал
от тиранина ,србин Прелича.
Разплакал мајки,разплакал деца,
че са скопјани,че са блгари.

Се наљутила Мара Бунева,
Мара Бунева баш блгарка.
насред Скопие,крај Вардаро,
насред улица го пречекала.

Право стрељала-точно случила
баш тиранина,србин Прелича.
И се убила Мара Бунева,
зарад скопјани,зарад блгарско.

Mara Buneva was a young well-educated lady, born in Tetovo, who joined IMRO like many others to help stop the oppression of her fellow countrymen. On Mihailoff's orders she left Sofia and travelled to Skopje. While there she managed to acquaint herself with Velimir Prelitch, the legal counselor of the Serbian governor of the Skopje district. Prelitch was well known for his brutal methods against the Macedonian population, in particular his torture of Bulgarian students.

On January 13, 1928 at 12.15pm, Mara met Prelitch on one of the most populous streets in Skopje, near the banks of the Vardar River. She drew her revolver and executed him and then took her own life rather than be tortured by the Serbs.